We are again accepting proposals to present for our LIVE 2024 Conference
A majority of Sessions are reserved for CPM and Project Management Theory, Software Tutorials and Demonstrations, and other invited Speakers. A limited number of Sessions are available for Consultants to teach innovative means and methods and for software vendors to demonstrate new or improved products. A limited number of Project Showcase Sessions are also available. Members of the construction community are invited to submit abstracts describing how YOUR project delivery was improved by superior CPM scheduling and project controls. To apply for these available sessions, please prepare an Abstract (of 50 words or less to explain your topic to our attendees reading this page) and email to with subject "ABSTRACT".
For an Overview of 2024 Sessions, click
-- for past conferences click here
Many of these and many other presentations have been pre-recorded for viewing online during the pandemic
To view Please click here
Then click the Presentation to enjoy. Additional content for many of the presentations is provided below each presentation including biography of presenter,
PDF of slides, optional white paper and
recordings of live 2022 and 2023 Virtual CCC Zoom Q&A sessions.
Monday, 8:00 AM to 9:15 AM -- 75 minute session -- main auditorium
MON00 - Welcome by Fred Plotnick --
and Opening Keynote Session by Patrick Kelly, President-Elect of AACE
Monday, 9:45 AM to 11:00 AM -- 75 minute session
MON11 - Career Path of a Planner / Scheduler
One of the most poorly advertised career paths in the construction industry is
Planning & Scheduling or Project Controls. We will examine what the potential
career paths are for those in the field or looking to join it, the skills & knowledge
requirements, and experience needed to advance through the field. With over 31
years in the industry Jeff Milo has gone through each level of progression and will
provide valuable insight from starting as an entry level Scheduler to his current role
as Scheduling Executive and head of the scheduling department of Landmark
MON12 - What’s New in Primavera P6 and Oracle Primavera Cloud (OPC)
Learn about some of the more significant enhancements that have been made to P6 and OPC over the last calendar year.
Presented by Chad Wattendorf, Global Product Strategy Director
MON13 - Schedule Validator takes DCMA Scoring to Another Level with detailed Quality Assessments
Join Part 1 of this session to see how the quality assessment in the Schedule Validation Score has enhanced the DCMA guidelines, adding parameters, Advancing thresholds,
and weighting. - creating an easy to read, and easy to standardize scoring model.
MON14 - Unique features of Elecosoft (Asta) Powerproject
Asta Powerproject includes many unique features designed to help you setup and manage your projects efficiently to ensure project completion on time, within budget,
with the necessary resources available to perform the work. Presented by Mary Williams
MON15 - Deltek Project Portfolio Management Overview
A high level walk through of Deltek’s PPM Suite of tools. Explore the different Project Management tools Deltek offers, in support of the complete Project Life
Cycle. Discussion of what each tool does, how they integrate with each other, and how they integrate with non-Deltek PM tools. Presented by Denise Russell,
A contractor’s right to complete work early was acknowledged by U.S. Courts in the 1940’s. Delayed early completion claims arose in the 1960’s and have become somewhat
common in the industry. Such claims remain a controversial issue in the construction industry. Many project owners refuse to accept early completion baseline schedules.
Others crafted contractual mechanisms to defeat such claims. But delayed early completion and/or constructive acceleration claims continue to be pursued. The purpose of
this presentation is to set forth the background concerning a contractor’s right to complete work early and to examine the contractor’s right to seek an equitable
adjustment should their early completion be delayed by action of the owner. The presentation also identifies the potential benefits and risks for both owners and contractors.
Additionally, this presentation provides a brief overview of different ways owners can defend against claims oriented early completion schedules.
Presented by James G. Zack, Jr., CCM, CFCC, ECCCS, ECCDA, PMP, FAACE, FGPC, FRICS, FSCCSI, Principal James Zack Consulting, LLC
Monday, 11:10 AM to 12:25 PM -- 75 minute session
MON21 - Tracking Delays: Forecasted vs. Actual
This presentation investigates the disparities between how construction schedulers perceive delays during project
execution, and how delays are calculated in post-construction forensic schedule analysis. During construction,
initial schedules tend to be optimistic, emphasizing aggressive prosecution of work, efficiency, and timely
completion. Once disputes arise, however, schedule updates can become littered with pessimistic delay forecasts.
These situations limit the usefulness of the schedules in post-construction analysis. As a result, forensic
schedule analysis focuses on documenting and analyzing actual delays, uncovering discrepancies between anticipated
and realized timelines. By delving into these distinctions, this presentation aims to enhance our understanding of
these challenges, offering insights to improve project planning, risk management, and forensic schedule analysis.
Presented by Patrick Kelly
MON22 - Schedule Development Using P6 Professional Download to 1st Report
This session will lead attendees from download of Primavera P6 software from Oracle's website to delivery of the first report to management of the Contractor and
the Owner. This session is taught by two veteran users of P6™, Hannah Schumacher, Scheduling Manager, Sundt Construction Inc. and Charlie Jackson, Vice President of Project Life Span, LLC.
Many Contract Documents are now requiring the use of the latest version of Primavera software (P6™) due to its enterprise capabilities and its use of latest
technologies including the capabilities to interact other software applications; therefore it is important for the Scheduler to understand how to use this
software most efficiently in their battle to complete their projects in a timely manner.
Primavera’s latest release of P6™ contains many features that can assist in developing schedules quickly and efficiently. However, a new or in-experienced user
would be overwhelmed in the struggle to prepare the schedule using P6™ and these advanced features without proper training or “Basic Training”.
This session will focus on the presenters’ experiences and their lessons learned regarding the effective use of P6 ™ in the schedule development process as they
apply to the Planning and Scheduling development processes. The Scheduler should be able to apply the implementation and execution “Lessons Learned” outlined in
this presentation to develop schedules quickly and efficiently using P6™.
MON23 - Schedule Validator takes DCMA Scoring to Another Level with Progress Performance Assessments
Join Part 2 of this session to see how Schedule Validation Scores enhance progress and performance measures. Take full advantage of unused DCMA Progress assessments (BEI,
CEI) plus critical path KPI's that any schedule dashboard should have.
MON24 - Powerproject BIM 4D Planning
Presented by Chris Ray
MON25 - After the Work is Done: A Deltek PMO Battle Rhythms
You’ve completed the work for this reporting cycle, what now? Join us as we walk through statusing and managing a schedule in Open Plan, integrating
Progress & Forecast information into Cobra, brining Actuals into Cobra, and reporting out on the current state of the Project (for EV and non-EV Projects).
Presented by Denise Russell.
MON26 - You’re Quite Ready for a Schedule Risk Assessment, but is your Culture?
Performing a Schedule Risk Assessment (SRA) requires convergence of discussions, data, threat analysis, and contingency planning. Traditional approaches to Risk Assessment
require a sound process and capable software. Process and systems maturity can be learned, purchased, practiced, and implemented. The cultural maturity required for an SRA
can be much more ambiguous to establish. An organization may achieve the technical and operational success required to perform a quality SRA, while a transparent culture
capable of Risk and Opportunity communication, documentation, mitigation, and closure may be inadequate. In this session, we will discuss Operational vs Cultural maturity,
define key attributes of a successful Risk-appreciative culture, and outline a framework for assessing cultural readiness for comprehensive project-focused Risk Management.
We will highlight tangible positive and negative indicators of true cultural Risk maturity, citing real-life examples. Bring your own thoughts and expect this presentation
to involve lively discussion as we, together, bring clarity to this underdiscussed aspect of quality SRA execution. Presented by by Tom Polen & Darryl Townsend
Monday, 2:00 PM to 3:15 PM -- 75 minute session
MON31 - Comparing GAO and DCMA Schedule Assessments
The U.S. Government Accountability Office and the DoD Defense Contract Management Agency both conduct health assessments of integrated master schedules. GAO’s best
practices and DCMA’s schedule metrics are often compared with one another, but this comparison is usually taken out of context. While the procedures we use to assess
a schedule’s health are fundamentally similar, the purpose, scope, and results of our assessments may differ. In this presentation, we compare both agencies’ schedule
assessment details and processes, and how the results may affect the organizations under assessment.
MON32 - Schedule Updating Using P6 Professional NTP to 1st Update Report
This session will lead attendees in the proper use of Oracle Primavera P6 EPPM from Notice-to-Proceed (or acceptance of the initial baseline schedule)
to delivery of the first update report to management of the Contractor and the Owner. This session is taught by two veteran users of P6™,
Hannah Schumacher, Sundt Construction Inc. and
Charlie Jackson, Vice President of Project Life Span, LLC.
Many Contract Documents are now requiring the use of the latest version of Primavera software (P6™) due to its enterprise capabilities and its use of latest
technologies including the capabilities to interact other software applications; therefore it is important for the Scheduler to understand how to use this
software most efficiently in their battle to complete their projects in a timely manner.
Primavera’s latest release of P6™ contains many features that can assist in developing schedules quickly and efficiently. However, a new or in-experienced user
would be overwhelmed in the struggle to prepare the schedule using P6™ and these advanced features without proper training or “Basic Training”.
This session will focus on the presenters’ experiences and their lessons learned regarding the effective use of P6 ™ in the schedule development process as they
apply to the Planning and Scheduling development processes. The Scheduler should be able to apply the implementation and execution “Lessons Learned” outlined in
this presentation to develop schedules quickly and efficiently using P6™.
MON33 - Impact of OH&S laws on Scheduling Durations and thus Project Delivery
Safety is one of the most important aspects of a construction project, as construction
workers are often exposed to activities with potentially serious hazards. OSHA
guidelines recommend a proactive approach to managing workplace safety and
health and recommend developing a plan to identify and select options for
eliminating, preventing, or controlling workplace hazards.
Additionally, several states require employers to develop a comprehensive written
safety plan that protects workers from injuries and illnesses in the workplace. With
the construction sector having one of the highest risks of fatal injuries, a project
safety plan for construction activities is a must-have.
The safety plan will include work that is necessary to ensure safety, but the time and
tasks required are rarely considered in the schedule. The presentation will discuss
how OSHA can impact a schedule as OH&S does in other countries. Presented by Raf Dua
MON34 - Update Directly from the Field with Powerproject Site Progress Mobile
Presented by Megan DePoty
MON35 - Automate Schedule Review with Acumen Touchstone
Evaluating project schedules and responding promptly to subcontractors or internal submitters can be a time-consuming process. In this session, we will show how
you can automate the schedule review process, have a central location to track and store schedule submittals, and simultaneously improve the quality of your schedules.
Use the industry standard metrics found in Acumen Fuse, or even your own custom metrics, to define the schedule acceptance criteria for each project. This makes
submitters aware of how their schedules are being evaluated and helps reviewers understand where to focus their efforts to improve schedule quality.
Presented by Jarod Maloney.
MON36 - Glen Palmer on Dissecting a Construction Percent Complete Curve
The presenter will discuss monthly baseline construction progress curves and what that can tell about a baseline schedule’s viability. This presentation will discuss process
plant craft manhour totals the monthly percentages that are reasonable expectations to achieve. The discussion will focus on many of the issues that determine what percentages
are reasonable including: manpower peaks, productivity, material handling engineering, and safety. The information shown will be from actual projects where this approach was
utilized. With experience of more than 45 years, the author will teach as well as entertain. This presenter is widely experienced in planning and scheduling as well as all
dispute resolution analyses and has testified as an expert.
Monday, 3:35 PM to 4:50 PM -- 75 minute session
MON41 - How to Get the Most Out of Your Schedule Data Using SmartPM
With all the innovation happening within commercial construction, delays & overruns remain the most intractable problem in the industry, resulting in over a trillion
dollars of waste annually. Enter the CPM schedule, and more importantly, the data behind it. SmartPM is an AI-powered schedule analytics software that captures and
utilizes the data within CPM schedules to transform complex and abstract data into straight-forward, accurate, and concise reporting of crucial factors driving construction
projects. This presentation includes a detailed analysis of the SmartPM data gathered from over 20,000 CPM schedules, correlating industry challenges to their solution which
lies within the schedule: its data. The audience will gain insight into the key factors that drive construction projects and how the schedule and project controls can give
project teams the information they need to avoid the common issues many project teams face.
MON42 - Migrating from P6 to OPC with Kokosing
Join Chuck Gillombardo, Kokosing, and Marc Bobby, CBA, as they present the reasons behind Kokosing’s decision to migrate to OPC, what the transition entailed, security,
planning and other considerations, as well as, lessons learned during the process. This presentation is perfect for those considering OPC to gain key insights into what
went well and what did not during a real-life migration example.
MON43 - So, You Want Me to Hire You?
In the world of job interviews, project support, or consultancy engagements, it is imperative to present oneself
as a proficient Scheduler within the industry. Drawing from over two decades of experience in hiring and
developing schedulers and planners, I have compiled a set of leading questions designed to assess the skills
of experienced schedulers and want to share them with you to get your take on how to present ourselves as
schedulers. Additionally, I offer recommendations on how candidates can strategically represent themselves to
enhance their chances of securing employment. Presented by Josh Wollan of Zachry.
MON44 - Rolling Wave Planning by Cesar Ramos
The best way to describe most Oil & Gas EPC Schedule development falls under what is known as Rolling Wave Planning. When the schedule is being reviewed by peers,
consultants, or even 3rd party companies, typically the measure of Schedule Quality used is from a single perspective. AACE’s Rolling Wave Planning definition means
that “as a project moves into subsequent phases and more scope information becomes available, the schedule is revised to reflect this additional detail (which is
sometimes referred to as a form of “rolling-wave” method of scheduling).” Based on this rationale, clients, peers, & 3rd party companies that perform schedule
analysis need to be made aware of industry methods.
MON45 - Leveraging Schedule Analysis to Improve Project Performance
Analyzing large and complex project schedules can be a time consuming and arduous task. In this session we will discuss more efficient methods to evaluate project
schedules and account for potential impacts of risks or opportunities to improve the plan. Some of the key topics expected to be covered include; best practices to
evaluate and improve schedule quality and compliance, utilizing Deltek Acumen for enhanced analytics and forensics to track schedule performance, variances, and spot
trends, accounting for risks and aligning those potential impacts with the project schedule, and identifying areas of opportunity to create a recovery schedule to
get a delayed project back on track. Presented by Jarod Maloney
MON46 - Robert Sepanek on What is the Schedule telling you?
For years now we have applied sound scheduling practices in the development of Project Schedules. So now that we have a schedule with a complete scope, complies
with the contract documents, and has an excellent schedule health check score, how do we use the information from the schedule to identify problems early and
mitigate the damage? Here we will talk about tools we can use to quickly highlight delays, trending impacts, critical path changes, and subcontractor issues, so
that solutions can be discussed and implemented before they are impossible to overcome.
Tuesday, 8:00 AM to 9:15 AM -- 75 minute session
TUE00 - Tuesday Keynote
by David Zachry on Leading the Team
Remarks - on Specialty Tracks and Evening Events by Fred Plotnick
Tuesday, 9:45 AM to 11:00 AM -- 75 minute session
TUE11 - Litigation Track Keynote
Spreading the Risk and Avoiding Killer Contract Clauses
Construction projects are exciting, and often move quickly from concept to contract. All too often, parties rush through the negotiation and drafting details for their
written agreements, leading to poorly drafted contracts. It’s important that the parties stand on firm footing when setting up a contract – truly, the “law between
parties” for the job.
This presentation will help the parties understand and avoid the typical snares that can afflict a construction contract. In this seminar, construction
attorney Dan Lund will discuss:
♦ Common pitfalls in construction contracts, including on critical key terms
♦ How to reasonably and efficiently negotiate a construction contract. Presented by Dan Lund of
TUE12 - Comparing P6 Server to Primavera Cloud
Hate sitting through software presentations where they tell you what it does but never show you the software used in actual real life situations? Curious to really see
Oracle's new scheduling tool? This is the presentation for you. Jeff Milo, Senior Operations Manager – Scheduling & Christian Velasco Scheduling Manager at Landmark Construction,
has been using Oracle’s new scheduling tool Primavera Cloud since April of 2019. Through their involvement in Oracles Early Adopter program they has had unprecedented access
to both the software and its developers. In this presentation they will take you on an all access tour of the first scheduling program built by Primavera from the ground up
since P3, show you actual schedules built in the software and explain how Landmark Construction uses the tool every day. They will also give an unfiltered review of the
software’s strengths and shortcomings in comparison to Primavera P6.
TUE13 - Zachry on WHAT should be in Your Software
Ranjeet Gadhoke of Zachry will discuss what a contractor desires in a CPM software offering
At a very basic level, good scheduling software serves the fundamental role of delivering task management, Gantt
chart-based visualizations, resource allocation, dependency management, and critical path analysis. It's
imperative that the software effectively tracks baseline schedules, furnishes comprehensive reporting capabilities,
seamlessly integrates with diverse tools, offers customization options, and facilitates collaborative work.
Paramount considerations encompass mobile accessibility, stringent security features, and scalability, complemented
by the availability of training and support resources. With the advent of better computing power and the rise of
machine learning and generative AI, we can dream of scheduling software that can provide more, much more. Come join
me in this collaborative session of dreaming of the perfect CPM software – what is and what should be in your
TUE14 - Multi-Subproject Resource Scheduling With EVM using Micro Planner X-Pert
When dealing with complex projects, the problem of establishing good operational schedules and effective utilisation of resources is acute as well as difficult and frequently
occupies a great deal of senior management time. It is in this sphere of operations that the economic benefits to be derived from the use of a resource scheduling programme and
the computer can be truly significant. In recent years more and more businesses and government departments have turned to the planning of projects using Critical Path Network
planning software tools, to produce the desired results.
However, in spite of the gains made in the management of projects it has in the main been limited to managing time and budget and the management of resources has been seen to
be too hard or as is often said, “not my problem, we use subcontractors!”
Micro Planner X-Pert is a fully integrated tool which provides the user with AOA, PDM and PERT network techniques. It has machine learning Resource Scheduling facilities and
has Earned value Management as per the Standard ISO21511 and has been managing resource scheduling and EVM for major and complex projects for almost 45 years!
Presented by Raf Dua
TUE15 - Building a Better Scheduling Department
Join this session to learn how to design the perfect scheduling department. You know it may never turn out like you thought, but if you dream big and follow certain
guidelines it will be better than anyone ever expected - and save a lot of time and money. Presented by John Jackson
TUE16 - Don't Run with Scissors: How to Ensure Quality in your Project Plan
Presented by Tom Polen and Steve Goller
Tuesday, 11:10 AM to 12:25 PM -- 75 minute session
TUE21 - Inights from Arcadis Disputes Report by Chris Carson
Panel Discussion including Christopher W. Carson, CEP DRMP PSP FAACE
TUE22 - Practical Use of Oracle's Primavera Cloud A "How To" Tutorial
"hands-on" training. Presented by Dan Beck of DRMcNatty
TUE23 - Run a Half-Step Delay Analysis in Seconds with Steelray’s Breakthrough Technology
Do you ever compare schedule updates with previous updates to understand why the finish date moved? In this presentation, Brian Leach of Steelray Software will demonstrate
how you can conduct a forensic schedule delay analysis that typically takes days and reduce it down to seconds. Steelray Delay Analyzer is breakthrough technology that performs
a true half-step delay analysis (AACE RP 29R-03, MIP 3.4) on two or more updates of a Primavera P6 schedule. Presented by Brian Leach
TUE24 - Benefits of Additional Real-World CPM Modeling Capabilities with Aurora
CPM tools provide various capabilities for modeling and analyzing projects however, there are many cases where without further modeling capabilities, the human
project managers are overwhelmed by the inaccuracies of the resulting schedule during execution resulting in degraded project execution. These range from
non-concurrent constraints, to preference constraints, to shift-based resource constraints, ergonomic constraints. There are a plethora of other modeling capabilities
that have been found to be useful/necessary to model and execute projects efficiently. This presentation will draw from a diverse range of domains ranging from
construction to aerospace manufacturing, demonstrating how better modeling leads to better outcomes and how generally applicable these modeling options are to most
TUE25 - Planning in Both Distance and Time
Alignment based infrastructure projects, such as road, tunnel, bridge, rail, or pipeline use distance to plan and optimize the location and direction of construction
activities and project constraints. These types of projects can be complex because of land access, permitting, environmental, or other right-of-way issues such as
groundwater conditions or MOT (Maintenance of Traffic) requirements during construction. These issues are both temporal and location-based in nature and are difficult
to effectively define in standard Gantt chart planning tools. The advantage of linear scheduling, using Tilos, is that project planning can easily incorporate all the
constraints and restrictions in even the most difficult projects. Planning and optimization can happen directly in Tilos. Presented by Lorne Duncan.
TUE26 - How To Exploit Available Sizes and Calendars of Crews for Improving Project Control and Project Duration
Some large projects involving repeated activities can be partitioned into locations, zones or units. From scheduling point of view, such project resembles production of
a set of somewhat similar products in a manufacturing unit. Before the advent of the rigorous and popular project scheduling method, Critical Path Method (CPM), such projects
were scheduled using Line of Balance (LOB) method which was initially developed for production scheduling in manufacturing environment. Our new scheduling method easily
exploits the choices available for crew sizes and calendars for optimizing the project schedule while ensuring smooth flow of work under the influence of uncontrollable
random variation in the project unless the variation is at a chaotic level. It treats crew sizes and calendars as variables for project optimization.
Presented by Prasad Velaga, PhD, Optisol, LLC
Tuesday, 2:00 PM to 3:15 PM -- 75 minute session
TUE31 - Latest on AACE 29RP-03
TUE32 - Introduction to Oracle’s Task Management Solution
Oracle’s Task Management Solution, which is part of Oracle Primavera Cloud, provides Last Planner-based task management capabilities to plan and manage field work. It
optionally connects the CPM schedule to the field schedule, and enables field personnel to manage their work in a manner that corresponds to the manual processes they are
used to. Learn more about how your organization can leverage OPC to streamline your CPM scheduling and field task management processes.
Presented by Janyce Page, Product Strategy Director
TUE33 - Making an informed decision on OPC by Marc Bobby of CBA
If you are considering purchasing Oracle Primavera Cloud or migrating from P6, you’ll want to attend this session. Marc Bobby, Senior CBA Consultant, and Don Monteleone,
CBA President & CEO, will compare OPC’s capabilities, advantages, and key differences to P6, including a review of OPC licensing, workspace concepts, security, users, and user
groups. You’ll also get better acquainted with the software through key OPC demos throughout the presentation.
TUE34 - John Owen of Barbecana Meeting Contract Requirements for Schedule Risk Analysis
TUE35 - What’s in Your CPM Scheduling Tool? Deltek’s Open Plan
Integrations and Differentiators with Deltek’s Open Plan. Sometimes multiple CPM scheduling tools are in a PMO’s toolkit, and that’s okay. However, it’s important
to understand the differences between them and how they can function as a cohesive unit. This session will discuss some of the differentiators (and similarities!)
between Open Plan and other CPM scheduling tools. Additionally, we’ll demonstrate how Open Plan can integrate data to and from other tools, allowing Project teams
flexibility when managing their work. Presented by Denise Russell
TUE36 - Getting Started with Takt Planning Presented by Steve Moore
Bringing rhythm and flow to projects, Takt Planning is growing rapidly across our industry. This session will boil down many books, papers and multi-day trainings
into a single, action-packed, one-hour session. You will learn what takt planning is all about and how to get started; including resources to train others and run
your first project inTakt.
Tuesday, 3:35 PM to 4:50 PM -- 75 minute session
TUE41 - Andy Vicknair on Becoming An Expert Witness What’s So Difficult
TUE42 - An Open Discussion of All things Oracle
Conducted by Chad Wattendorf, Global Product Strategy Director
TUE43 - "Do Your Magic" and other things clients say
How do we explain what it is that we do as schedulers to project managers, field personnel, project owners, etc.? There was a Primavera Project Planner advertisement
in ENR and elsewhere that read – “Project Management – Art, Science or Bull?” My answer was always – yes – some of all of that! It is our job as schedulers to limit
the Bull and to make the schedule as accurate as possible, reflecting the Contractor’s plan for completing the project “on time and on budget”.
Presented by Bruce Betz.
TUE44 - Earned Value & Risk Analysis in Powerproject
Presented by Megan DePoty
TUE45 - Deltek Roadmap
An overview of Deltek’s PPM roadmap, including recent releases and those planned for 2024. The session will
review our PPM product strategy and direction, including details about Acumen and Open Plan. We’d like to provide
attendees the opportunity to hear about product plans, ask questions, provide feedback, and share Deltek PPM
stories. Conducted by: Mark Smith
TUE46 - Requiring Contractors to Run Forensic Analyses in Owner's Cloud
What are the ramifications of OPC if a project and program owner demands a contractor to prepare, update and run
forensics in the owner’s subscription? An Audience Participation Discussion with FRED
Wednesday, 8:00 AM to 9:15 AM
WED01 - Keynote Session - Mock Trial 2024
-- 160 minute double session
Judge Marshall's court is again in session for this year's Mock Trial presentation. So top off your cup of coffee, be seated, and enjoy the show! Judge Marshall
will teach the LAW. Two attorneys will be providing examples of trial techniques, setting traps for unwary experts. Two experts will be providing examples of bad and
good behaviour. One fact witness with actual knowledge will entertain as he provides the facts of the case to Judge Marshall and the jury (you!)
WED04 - Cost & Resource Management in Powerproject
Learn how Asta Powerproject can make the complex management of people, plant, and materials simple with easy, visually clear steps. See who is needed against a view
of their existing commitments with resource histograms. Balance availability, quantity and effort to maintain schedule and budget. Manage multiple variables including
different shift patterns, work rates, overtime, and skills. Cost and time go hand-in-hand. Manage both together in Powerproject, analyzing budgeted costs, planned
costs and actual costs all against time. Model cost data using man-hours, quantity, fixed and variable rates. Report on earned value and maintain change history over
time. Presented by Mary Williams
WED06 - Basics of Agile Scheduling by Tim Mather
Wednesday, 9:25 AM to 10:40 AM
WED14 - Pull Planning with Asta Connect
Presented by Chris Wray
WED16 - Demonstration of Agile Preparing a Flexible Plan for Historical Renovation
Wednesday, 11:00 AM to 12:15 PM
WED21 - Jim Coleman, Esq., of Zachry on Issues of the Contractor's Corporate Attorney
WED22 - OPC by CBA "Hands-on Training"
Bring your laptop and roll up your sleeves for this session. Experience Oracle Primavera first-hand when you log into CBA’s OPC training environment and take it for a spin.
Marc Bobby, CBA Senior Consultant and Trainer, will walk you through a mini OPC training where you perform key actions in the software, and see a few demos of the products
WED23 - Judge Marshall and Asimov on AI
"The Three Laws are perfect and will lead to Revolution"
WED24 - Implementation of Elecosoft Powerproject Enterprise at Zachry Construction
At the start of the year, Zachry Construction rolled out a new (to us) software program to handle our Proposal
Schedules. We took it step by step, dealing with both bumps and breakthroughs along the way. From the initial
steps to the current setup, we've navigated through the implementation process. Sure, we faced a few challenges,
but now we've got the hang of it. Today, we're making the most out of the new software, using it to manage our
Proposal Schedules in a way that suits us best.
Presented by ...
WED25 - Chris & Glen on Top Ten Ways to Avoid Resource Related Claims
WED26 - GAO Guideline on Agile Scheduling
Have you worked on a program using Agile development that told you they didn’t need a schedule because they were Agile? If so, come for a discussion of how the US
Government Accountability Office (GAO) has published. Specifically, we will review how GAO’s 10 scheduling best practices can be applied to schedules developed for
Agile programs, as discussed in GAO’s Schedule Assessment and Agile Assessment Guides
Wednesday, 1:45 PM to 3:00 PM
WED31 - Schedule Analyses from a DOT
Claims Engineer's Perspective
Have you ever tried to settle a dispute over project delay without a schedule? You are essentially arguing over positions. When I took a position as a Claims
Engineer in 1990 with the Texas Dept of Transportation (DOT), it took me very little time to realize that if I was going to succeed at dispute resolution, I had
to master the art of CPM scheduling. The schedule was to be the objective tool. I will share what I have found to be the most important aspects on behalf of DOTs
and owners. Presented by Bob Hendley, PE
WED32 - The future of Generative AI in Oracle Construction & Engineering
The Artificial Intelligence application ChatGPT launched in November of 2022 and was the fastest application ever to reach 1M users in the history of the Internet.
ChatGTP’s core technology of Generative AI, built on Large language model architectures (LLMs), is just the most recent in a wave of AI technologies that have become
available over the last decade. From speech recognition to computer vision to predictive analytics these technologies have the potential to save time by automating
workflows and reduce risk by identifying problems before they occur. How can these approaches benefit the discipline of Program management? What risks do these technologies
create? This talk will provide a summary of developments in the field of AI, map them to critical parts of the program definition, scoping and delivery processes and then
explore the risks that use of these technologies may engender. Presented by Padmini Kanive, Product Strategy Director
WED33 - Advanced CPM Milestone Review by Ron Winter, PSP FAACE
Several AACE recommended practices (RP) mention that the scheduler
should specifically consider milestones in the creation and review of
the typical construction schedule. These RPs do not detail what should
be considered when reviewing milestones. It is not enough for the
scheduler to look at them and hope that something ‘pops-out’. Advanced schedulers should focus on a list of specific topics. This
presentation discusses the hows and whys of the proper use of milestones
in CPM schedules and how to make better schedules. From baseline
schedules to schedule updates, this handy guide gives advanced
schedulers more tools to ensure that they have better schedules and
better run projects.
WED34 - Elecosoft TownHall
Asta Powerproject & More
WED35 - Defining Actionable Schedule KPIs and Dashboards
Dive into the realm of efficient project management in this enlightening session! Discover the 8 transformative KPIs buried in raw schedule data that can be poised to revamp
the project and enterprise scheduling dashboards. Whether you are novice or an expert, grasp easy- to- use quality and progress assessments tailor made for schedulers of all
levels. Uncover the potent performance indicators that vividly spotlight risks, impending failures, and potential delays. Dashboards, designed to simplify reviews and drive
actionable insights, make these KPI’s easy to understand and track.
WED36 - An Afternoon of SmartPM Deep Dive I
Participants will have the unique opportunity to analyze one of their own projects in SmartPM using their project’s baseline and subsequent updates. Aimed at
enhancing efficiency, communication, and proactive management in projects, this workshop is ideal for professionals seeking to elevate their project management
skills in a technologically evolving landscape.
Wednesday, 3:20 PM to 4:25 PM
WED41 - Ethics and the Expert
A Panel Discussion Led by Judge Marshall
Closing Remarks on CCC23
WED42 - Integrating P6 and Primavera Cloud by Dan Beck
WED44 - Business Intelligence & Collaboration in Vision
WED45 - Organic Intelligence(Nothing Artificial About It)
WED46 - An Afternoon of SmartPM Deep Dive II
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